Good morning
The working group consists of:
Mallely Cano
Yanet Chaverra
Yeison Piedrahíta
Let's talk about the evolution of the telephone
Yeison: Man is a social being, for this reason the communication is an important factor when interacting with others.
Mallely: This need to communicate led to the emergence of systems of symbols that convey ideas, feelings, warnings and more.
Yanet: but not all communication is verbal, even in this the words are unnecessary just gestures.
For example
(Projection of images about the body language and after mime presentation)
Yeison: communication evolved with humans. Then came the enemy of the communication THE DISTANCE, which prompted the emergence of new forms of communication
Yanet: I have a problem, friends
Mallely: what happened?
Yanet: I need to know, which are the main means of communication?
Yeison: It is easy
Mallely: The Charter was the first to challenge the distance. With the discovery of electricity is developing a faster and sophisticated, It was the telegraph.
Yanet: I have heard that the telegraph had a code called "Morse Code" precursor of remote communication
Yeison: Telegraph? I don’t know. How was the telegraph?
Yanet: Here it is watch it
(Yanet explains the characteristics of the telegraph)
Telegraph used for transmissions in Morse code.
Yanet: However, the phone was a later invention that served to talk and listen, something rustic nothing to do with now!
(Yanet takes a toy from the table and we play with the toy)
Mallely: If so, around 1879 the phone in the beginning was quite rudimentary, to achieve the user to communicate with someone totally dependent on the operators at the plants, but it was in 1889 when Almon B Strowger patented a system of automatic telephone exchange equipment and the which did not require the presence of operators to get two people to communicate.
Yeison: (Short cord).Then arrive the cordless phone that offers greater freedom and comfort when speaking.
Not to mention that allowed speaking up in the bathroom, what more private place than the bathroom? It is perfect to talk to our girlfriend or boyfriend.
With the development of the radio waves, we came to present. The mobile phone keeps you connected with the world.
However, the distance is always present, because the mobile phone connects people who are far and walks away to people who are close.
The presentation will be short and will announce the central idea of our work so didactic. (Yanet)
ResponderEliminaris frustrating to put so much effort to learn something and at the time to share it forget some things about.
ResponderEliminarMallely Cano Mira
if it is true but it was finished and now we should not worry
ResponderEliminaryeison piedrahita
I loved your presentation, congratulations was very funny!!
ResponderEliminarSindy Marsiglia
I liked his presentation and made me laugh a lot
ResponderEliminardiana lizet henao lopez